Nineteen year old Anna Gallagher longs for adventure in her hometown of Seattle, Washington. However, in 1889 young women are expected to be proper and run a household. Anna's grandfather and brother seem to want this life for her as well. Anna gets a taste of adventure when the great Seattle fire devastates her grandfather's book store. Anna dreams to climb Mount Rainier and places her hopes in an advertisement for a climbing party leaving next summer. Now, Anna just needs the funds and to start training. With help from her Duwamish friend, Heather, Anna finds the confidence to begin training for the climb and a means to raise money. When her brother's friend, Ben visits Washington, Anna may find a man that also fits her lifestyle.
In Sight of the Mountain is an amazing historical adventure that captivated me from the start and didn't let go. As an avid hiker, I have always wondered about the women who have paved the path for women to be active in the outdoors. Anna's character, though fictional is a good representation of the experiences of many of the women who were the firsts in the field. Anna's spirit is captivating and infectious, making me want to plan for my next adventure. Through her eyes, the grandeur of the Washington territory came alive as well as the many prejudices that people carried. The plight of the Duwamish people, the native people of the area was brought to light through Anna's friendship with Heather as well as the limited opportunities for women and the views of the women who took matters into their own hands. I was enchanted by the mystery of the poem in the book that Anna solved and absolutely delighted by the path of the romance with Ben. The highlight of the story for me was definitely Anna's journey up the mountain. While Anna's story might not have turned out exactly how she wanted the first time, her story of grit and determination is one that many people can relate to.
This book was received for free in return for an honest review.