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100 Pages A Day...Stephanie's Book Reviews

I absolutely love historical fiction and read a lot of it; I love to learn history this way.  I also enjoy reading science fiction, fantasy, horror, thriller and non-fiction science.

Book Haul

The Nourished Kitchen: Farm-to-Table Recipes for the Traditional Foods Lifestyle Featuring Bone Broths, Fermented Vegetables, Grass-Fed Meats, Wholesome Fats, Raw Dairy, and Kombuchas - Jennifer McGruther Spirited Legacy (Lost Library) (Volume 2) - Kate Baray Edwin: High King of Britain - Edoardo Albert City of Stairs - Robert Jackson Bennett


So, four more books showed up this week adding to my ever expanding TBR pile.


The Nourished Kitchen by Jennifer McGruther: A farm to table traditional foods cookbook. Perfect for cooking with my garden.  Already read, reviewed (and cooked from) here


Spirited Legacy (Lost Library 2) by Kate Baray: I have the first book of this on my e-reader and the author was nice enough to send me the second book!  An urban fantasy romance that takes place in magic library.


Edwin, High King of Britain by Edoardo Albert: Historical fiction about the rise of the Northumbrian Edwin in 604 A.D. 


City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett: High Fantasy with spies, gods and history.


Happy Reading!  Have you read any of these books or are you interested in reading any of these books?